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vendredi, octobre 16, 2009

Obama intent to nominate Patrick A.Corvington

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Office of the Press Secretary

October 2, 2009

President Obama Announces

a Key Administration Post.



WASHINGTON � President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individual to a key administration post:

��������� Haitian- American Patrick A. Corvington, CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service.

Patrick A. Corvington � CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service

Patrick Corvington is a recognized expert on non-profit sector leadership and capacity issues, new and emerging philanthropy, and volunteerism.� He currently serves at the Annie E. Casey Foundation as a Senior Associate responsible for guiding the foundation�s grantees on issues related to�leadership development, next generation leadership, and capacity building. �

He also acts as Senior Advisor to the Foundation�s Executive Vice President, Ralph Smith, who is the Chair of the Council on Foundations.� As part of this work, Corvington is engaged directly with some of the top social innovation intermediaries in the nonprofit sector and has co- authored publications such as Ready to Lead: Next Generation Leaders Speak Out and Next Shift: Beyond the Nonprofit Leadership Crisis.�

From 2003-2005, Corvington was Executive Director of Innovation Network, a non-profit agency whose mission is to build the evaluation capacity of the non-profit sector.� Previously, he conducted policy research�in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Center at The Urban Institute,�and also worked to build the capacity of nonprofit organizations abroad.�

A native of Haiti who grew up in Africa, Mr. Corvington immigrated to the United States as a teenager.� He worked his way through college, earning his B.A. in Sociology from the University of Maryland, College Park, and his M.A. in Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University, where he received the National Minority Leadership Fellowship from the Kellogg Foundation.�

During his career, he has served as Interim Director at the Sykesville Group Shelter Home, as a patient advocate in a community-based HIV/AIDS clinic�and has volunteered his time�working in the infirmary of a shelter for homeless persons. ��He currently serves on the board of directors of Echoing Green, the Washington Regional Association of Grant makers, and the advisory board of the American Humanics�Nonprofit Workforce Coalition


By Harris Wofford, former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania.

President Obama announced his selection of Patrick Corvington to head the Corporation for National and Community Service, a nomination I whole-heartedly applaud. As one who was there�when President Kennedy and Sargent Shriver�raised high the Service banner, I am enthusiastic about the President�s vision for service and innovation. I�believe he has chosen a leader who has the�ability and experience�to help�take national and community�service -- and social innovation --�forward in the 21st�Century.

Patrick Corvington has leadership and management skills needed as the Corporation for National and Community Service ( develops and implements ambitious new plans, redefining service in the 21st�Century. As a respected leader at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Patrick has the networks and experience to create a bolder partnership between the public and private sector, working with diverse groups including faith-based and community-based organizations.

To fulfill the promise of the Kennedy Serve America Act, the Corporation needs Patrick�Corvington now, so let's join in urging Congress to put his confirmation on another fast track.

Harris Wofford is a former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania and was CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service under President Bill Clinton.

Patrick Corvington is the son of the late Paul Corvington and Raymonde Viau Corvington, residing in Maryland.



edition May 30 to June 4, 2001.

Who was Paul Corvington?

By Carl Fombrun

Paul Corvington passed on a couple of days before Memorial Day on May 24, 2001. He was 86 years old.� He died in the Washington area after a long illness.� Who was Paul Corvington you ask???� This brings us back to the 1950s during the Paul E.Magloire�s administration when Haiti still had an Army with some structure and discipline,not withstanding the politics of the day.

Paul Corvington succumbed while in the care of his devoted wife Raymonde Viau Corvington.� He was over 6 feet 2, handsome, disciplined, principled member of the Haitian Army of those days. Respected by all those who knew him.� A role model for all.� A man much admired for his sterling character, devoted to duty, country, honor. Committed to the law, an officer and a gentleman.

In any of the world's forums Paul Corvington would have been a proud representative of what a military man aspires to be...... And how sorely a man of his caliber is needed in present Haiti............To quote the Military Academy Yearbook of 1954, "Le Flambeau" :�� " Major Paul Corvington, our Director, a handsome man without ostentation, breathing strength, respect, dignity, presents himself with all the qualities that sculpt an officer...... His talents as an administrator, his sense of hierarchy and discipline, are the secrets of the success of this Military Academy..."

As a representative of the Embassy of Haiti in Panama I had the privilege of receiving Major Paul Corvington accompanied by Captain Marcel Colon and Lieutenant Franck Bayard in 1954.� The purpose of their visit was to promote the Military Academy of Haiti in Sport exchanges and cultural activities with Panama. It was a pride for the Embassy to have Major Corvington representing Haiti with his dignified manner and knowlege of cultural relations. Calm and always cordial with everyone.

In those days Haiti had a small Air Force and one of its DC-3 was present at Tocumen airport to fly me with the Panamanian national soccer team as guests to our shores for a tournament between the two countries. The Haitian national team lost the trophy in three hotly contested games in Port-au-Prince, and its counterpart Panamanian team hosted by Haiti was graciously brought back home by another Haitian aircraft. We may have lost the battle in a game, but this week in 1954, our national grace and prestige for such a small country were at its zenith in the world...

Paul Corvington was one of the favorite Army officers of Charles Fombrun, President of the Senate and a power broker, who could have pushed for his eventual nomination as Chief of Staff of the Haitian Army. However, as the shrewd politician that my dad was, he realized that this was a losing proposition with the determined grip that General Magloire had on power..... It must be said though that Paul Magloire and his predecessor the progressive Dumarsais Estim� who gave Haiti its first World's Fair in 1949 were after all, partisan politics excluded, moderate and benevolent politicians. Estim� and Magloire, with time, would become recognized as compassionate and humane leaders within the hall of civility, with what would follow precipitating Haiti to the brink of disaster...The rest is history which has turned the country into the present debacle...

Paul Corvington.� Born 19 April 1915.� Died 24 May 2001, at home, in Bethesda, Maryland.

1931 - Military School of Haiti. 1940 - U.S. Army Field Artillery School, Fort Sill, Oklahoma.� 1942 - U.S. Army Infantry School, Fort Bening, Georgia.

1945 - University of Haiti, Law Degree.

1950 - 1956 - Director of the Military Academy of Haiti in Fr�re, P�tionville, Haiti

1954 -�� In 1954 to celebrate the 150th year of Independence of the Republic of Haiti he re-created the Battle of Verti�res with the cadets of the Military Academy of Haiti.

1956 - Retires from the military service after 25 years and 8 months.

1958 - School of Diplomacy, Madrid, Spain.

1963 - Political refugee in the Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Haiti.

1964-1972 - Leopoldville, Congo, which became Kinshassa, Zaire. Judicial advisor to the government. Organization of the Military Staff under his direction and control.

A farewell salute to you Paul Corvington.....You did us all proud...



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