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dimanche, janvier 30, 2011

Science Médecine Female prostate (English)

Skene's gland
Skenes gland.jpg
Skene's Gland opening is pictured.
Latin glandulae vestibulares minores
Gray's subject #252 1213
Precursor Urogenital sinus
Dorlands/Elsevier Paraurethral glands
In human anatomy (female), the Skene's glands (also known as the lesser vestibular glands, periurethral glands, skene glands, paraurethral glands,[1] U-spot, or female prostate) are glands located on the anterior wall of the vagina, around the lower end of the urethra. They drain into the urethra and near the urethral opening. These glands are surrounded with tissue, which includes the part of the clitoris that reaches up inside the vagina and swells with blood during sexual arousal.



[edit] Homology and possible functions

The location of the Skene's gland is the general area of the vulva. The Skene's glands are homologous with the prostate gland in males.[2]

[edit] Female ejaculation (suite)

Ah! Les femmes n'ont pas de prostate. Nous voilà démystifié! Avec toutes les blagues que font les femmes sur la prostate des hommes! On se couchera moins idiots ce soir!


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