CENTER ANACAONA OF DEFENSE OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF THE HAITIANS DECLARATION Preliminaries The Center Anacaona de Défense of the Human Rights and Freedoms of the Haitians has as an aim the study of the violations of the human rights and freedoms of the Haitians and the defense of the victims. Its actions are based on the principles defined by the charters and International Conventions of the Humans right. They aim informing the Haitian and international opinion and at creating a current of solidarity favorable to the establishment of a true State of right in Haiti. The fundamental principle of the center is that to act as any independence in the continuation of its objectives, in co-operation with its partners. The violations of the human rights and freedoms of the Haitians are meant whatever are the places, nature, the authors, the victims and the time considered. These violations result from the social and political history of Haiti. They have their source in Spanish colonization in XVe century which massacred the Taino people, and assassinated the Anacaona queen. Ceaseless fights of the Haitian people, against colonization, for its independence in 1804, against the permanent foreign interference with XIXe and XXe centuries, whose American occupation of 1915-1934, will not have enabled him to reach, in its great majority, with human dignity "being" and "citizens" with whole share. However all the dictatorships and the successive coups d'etat, the disastrous foreign interferences will not have succeeded in overcoming its will to make respect its basic rights. Its vote with the presidential elections of February 7, 2006 is the expression of its determination to finish some with the arbitrary one, to restore the State of right for the rebuilding of the country in peace, justice and independence. The Anacaona Center is particularly concerned that the country can have the means of achieving its programme of institutional reforms, rebuilding and guarantee of the basic rights of the Haitians. In these difficult tasks, it is necessary to cause the support of all the Haitians and the international community. Orientations of principal actions The repair of the violations of the human rights perpetrated these last years, the reconquest of the basic rights and national sovereignty are long-term tasks which fall on the whole of the Haitian company. The Anacaona Center wants to contribute to make emerge this collective project. It proposes to inform the Haitian and international opinion in the three following fields: Civil laws and political: The rights to the life, safety, the freedom of thought and political action were seriously blocked in Haiti, in violation of the Haitian constitution and the International Conventions of which it is signatory. The Anacaona Center will stick in priority to: ? To inform on the scandalous situation of more than one thousand of prisoners of opinion, imprisoned since two years, without precise loads, nor judgement, contrary to the Haitian law? To support the requests of these prisoners and their families for their release without condition, and repairs due to the various victims. ? To make countryside to put an end to the assassinations and removals, torture and the degrading treatments, permanent impunity and, so that all the justiciable ones, whatever they are, profit from an equitable lawsuit and within a reasonable time? To seek the means of dialogue with the militant organizations of the human rights in order to constitute true networks. Rights of immigration: The forced emigration of the Haitians particularly worsened these last decades. The Haitian State did not do anything to make respect their rights and interests in the countries concerned. Any remainder to make to associate them the civic and economic life of their country of origin. The Anacaona Center will get busy in priority with: ? To inform on the violations of the rights of the Haitians working in Dominican Republic, in the Bahamas, in the French Departments of Overseas and in Metropolitan France? To seek the connections with the associations specialized in the assistance with the migrants in difficulty? ?uvrer in favour of the principle of the dual nationality in order to facilitate the participation of the diaspora in the civic life and the development of the country. Socio-economic and cultural rights: The Haitian population is, of long date, private of its basic rights to the work, the health and the instruction, which condition its inclusion in the social and civic life of the country. In this unit, two principal topics will be the subject of a work over the long duration: ? The protection of the rights of the Haitian Peasants, on which all the weight of the agricultural production of the country rests, but which is victims permanently exactions of the Haitian police officer-feudal system and social exclusion. ? The protection of the rights of the childhood, used as hand of?uvre domestic, victim of urban and rural violence, so that this cause can profit, like the female condition, of a true ministry or an official institution equipped with means. In the achievement of these objectives, the Anacaona Center will be observant and independent actor. It will seek and be based on the efforts of the Haitians and the solidarity of the friends of Haiti of all the latitudes. For the Center Anacaona, Jean-Pierre GIORDANI President Paris, July 1, 2006 THE REGISTERED OFFICE: 147, STREET OBERKAMPF. BAT.K1. 75011- PARIS SUCH: 01 43 55 06 80. ENAMEL: anacaona_droitshumains_haiti@yahoo.fr
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